martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

send it on....Love&Peace

Hello everyone!

I've been thinking of some songs related to global issues and in fact many came up to my mind. I was about to show you some lyrics written by the great Black Eye Peas... but then I remembered a song that my students showed me last year. That's a nice song about love and peace and it is pretty suitable to work with young people if you have a look to the video, you will guess what I mean. ENJOY!

A word's just a word'Til you mean what you sayAnd love isn't love'Til you give it away
We've all gotta giveYes, something to giveTo make a change
Send it on, on and onJust one hand can heal anotherBe a part, reach a heartJust one spark starts a fire
With one little actionThe chain reaction will never stopMake it strongShine a light, and send it on
Just smile, and the world(Just smile, and the world)Will smile along with youThat small act of loveIs meant for one who will become two
If we take the chancesTo change circumstancesImagine all we can do
If we send it on, on and onJust one hand can heal anotherBe a part, reach a heartJust one spark starts a fire
With one little actionThe chain reaction will never stopMake it strongShine a light, and send it onSend it on, ooh, send it on
There's power in allOf the choices we makeSo I'm starting nowThere's not a moment to waste
A word's just word'Til you mean what you sayAnd love isn't love'Til you give it away
Send it on, on and onJust one hand can heal anotherBe a part, reach a heartJust one spark starts a fire
With one little actionThe chain reaction will never stopMake it strongShine a light, and send it on
Send it on, on and onJust one hand can heal anotherBe a part, reach a heartJust one spark starts a fire
With one little actionThe chain reaction will help things startMake it strongShine the light, and give it onShine the light, and send it onShine the light, and send it on

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

Terrible reality

Nowadays it seems almost impossible to think of a place where million lives are lost each day due to significant famine. However, it occurs more often than we may reckon, especially, and as the "Global Issues" site states, in East Africa.

While million hamburgers are through away each day in developed countries, millions of children die because the lack of rain and the rise of food prices. In Somalia, some basic food has raised 270% in the last year, as a result, most families can just eat once or least in a day.

It's absolutely shameful the way "we" are managing our WORLD. How can we be at peace with ourselves knowing these facts? Just have a look to these pictures and judge ...

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

What's SAD?

With the abbreviation SAD I'm not just referring to the adjective we all know when we mean the opposite of happy, but to the acronym which stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Maybe you are wondering... what the hell is that? Well, a picture is worth a thousand words, so here you are:

As the video says, SAD is a type of major depression which appears at the beginning of winter or autumn when days get shorter and the temperature gets colder. These changes may result many times in an affective disorder which affect million people around the world.

This disease might last four months and a great percentage of people who suffer from that have to be hospitalized.

Doctor McKee proposes us some tips to overcome SAD, he says:

1. Get moving, keep your muscles moving.

2. Get away if you can, take a big affordable break.

3. Don't console yourself by drinking.

4. Take a light therapy.

There is plenty of information about this kind of depression on Internet. I definitely think that there are more people affected by this illness that we may think, so if you have time, have a look at it!

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

Film review, Margin Call

Last Sunday I saw a film about financial Word inspired in Lehman Brothers, which is supposed to have been the peak of the current world financial crisis. This film shows the black side of capitalism while it tries to make a reflection about moral dilemma that bigwigs have to face when they have the financial future of million people in their hands.

The film is pretty interesting since it gives us a perfect idea of the influence of capitalism in ruling the world. It is set in a financially risky atmosphere where the most important people of an investment bank are committed to extreme decisions during the troubled twenty four hours previous to the financial crisis of 2008. Peter Sullivan is the name of the main character, a young analyst who found out significant information that commits the company to closing. His inquiries will create a chain of tricky decisions that will affect directly the lives of all those involved.

The film is not a big deal in my opinion, but I encourage all of you to see the film if you want to know a bit more about financial business in contemporary history.

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011


How many times you said someday,
sometimes you also said somewhere,
somewhat or somehow are also there,
answers may be tough when you live a nigthmare.


Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy reading the things I'm supposed to post here each week. I apologize for the "simple" appearance of my blog... but time has a lot to do regarding design. As I'm very perfectionist I've decided to keep it as simple as possible so as not to get stuck on it for hours.
Thanks for reading!