viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

What's SAD?

With the abbreviation SAD I'm not just referring to the adjective we all know when we mean the opposite of happy, but to the acronym which stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Maybe you are wondering... what the hell is that? Well, a picture is worth a thousand words, so here you are:

As the video says, SAD is a type of major depression which appears at the beginning of winter or autumn when days get shorter and the temperature gets colder. These changes may result many times in an affective disorder which affect million people around the world.

This disease might last four months and a great percentage of people who suffer from that have to be hospitalized.

Doctor McKee proposes us some tips to overcome SAD, he says:

1. Get moving, keep your muscles moving.

2. Get away if you can, take a big affordable break.

3. Don't console yourself by drinking.

4. Take a light therapy.

There is plenty of information about this kind of depression on Internet. I definitely think that there are more people affected by this illness that we may think, so if you have time, have a look at it!

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