martes, 17 de enero de 2012

Nelson Mandela, an admirable example

I have to admit that I love this book. I’ve learnt so many useful things from this “singular” person that it will be probably very difficult to put into practice these 15 lessons in my own reality. However, I’m sure that some of them are going to be very useful to me.

I already knew that Mandela was special when I saw the performance of his character in the film Invictus, already at that time I admired that courageous man who never threw in the towel and always fought to get his core objectives.
One of the lesson that I admire the most is the second one called Be measured, in fact I remember the quotation “control is the measure of a leader”. IT is pretty unimaginable to me but at the same time riveting how a human being’s mind can perfectly control feelings under extreme pressure, as for example the moment when a plane is about to crash. Probably because I’m a person who usually shows her feelings spontaneously that I admire that quality in Mandela. Other lessons as learning to say no or see good things in others and not to judge them just at first glance are absolutely are also very worthy.

Despite all his great lessons on life, I would criticize something that I dislike about him, and it is the coldly manner with which he treats his family. It seems that Mandela is warm and affectionate with everyone but his wife and sons. I understand than in his youth he wanted to protect them and it was necessary to separate from them. However, after leaving prison it seems that the relationship between them weren’t much better, we could say that he loved more Richard’s child than his own. Maybe I haven’t understood his reasons or I haven’t been able to see them.

In my view this book is fairly acceptable and even enjoyable; and I would recommend it to everyone who wants to learn about real examples of admirable qualities in a human being.

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