jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

Summary on Chomsky's speech

The uprising of democracy in the Arab world has burst in the Global design of US and its allies and has unleashed democracy revolts in other countries, as in Wisconsin. Popular forces around the world fight established power nowadays to strengthen elementary rights for the population.
However, the position of US is clear -all those countries implied in the oil world trade must accept its unquestioned power given to it by reward during the IIWW. The Grand Area has no option but to accomplish its enforced directions. This dominance is reinforced thanks to the US Army, which is entitled to act at will in the Grand Area to protect US security and livelihood at any time.
In recent years, this control is being questioned and even put in others’ hands. The capacity of US and its allies to implement their doctrine is declining as economy and industry take the economic power. Fund managers concentrate and manipulate political power and whereas they enrich themselves, most of the population suffers the market crisis.
As long as the population be in the hands of the powerful and lack democracy without any active reaction to global design, we could just contemplate the outcome.

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